This is part 2 of a 3 part blog on antimicrobial resistance.
Part 1 – 5 Easy Things You Can Do To Reduce Antimicrobial Resistance and a primer on the issue of antimicrobial resistance
Part 2 – Alternatives to Medicinal Antimicrobial Use
Part 3- Antimicrobial Resistance – The Science Stuff
As you can read in Part 1 of this blog series, the impetus for the series was the World Health Organization’s release of the "Antimicrobial resistance: global report on surveillance 2014". From the report overview:
“The report makes a clear case that resistance to common bacteria has reached alarming levels in many parts of the world and that in some settings, few, if any, of the available treatments options remain effective for common infections.”
The good news…
There is evidence that suggests that antimicrobial resistant ‘superbug’ populations will lose their antimicrobial resistance if it is no longer needed – meaning that if antimicrobials are rarely used and the ‘superbug’ populations are no longer exposed to antimicrobials the populations will revert back to being susceptible to antimicrobials.
The even better news…
If you keep reading below you will learn about some effective, natural alternatives you can use to reduce you and your family’s reliance on topical and oral antimicrobial (antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic and antifungal) drugs.
The best news…
Unlike pharmaceutical antimicrobials that can upset and weaken you system (e.g. candida infections resulting from antibiotic use) homeopathic & herbal treatments combined with nutritional support will strengthen your system and leave you more resistant to subsequent microbial infections.