Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Being prepared.
We still know very little about COVID 19 and the lack of testing capacity in the USA is only adding to the uncertainty. I think it is likely that the number of cases in Canada and world wide will increase and that for those of us in major urban centres we are likely to be exposed to the virus. My position is based on research I have been doing, the USA’S CDC position of the inevitability of a pandemic (see here), the unfortunate actions of the USA’s current administration (worth listening to this), and the States of Emergency declared in California and Washington State.
Prudent preparations are important to ensure that we all fair well in the coming months - if you wait until you are sick it will likely be too late. It is best to assume that you will not have easy access to healthcare, pharmacies or other retail stores.
I recommend the following:
- Follow all hygiene advice provided by WHO and/or your local health authority.
- Stay as healthy as possible – address any underlying health issues now before you are exposed
- Take care of yourself – rest, eat whole foods, sleep.
- Have all of the necessities that you and your family will need assuming you have a ‘flu-like’ illness. There are good recommendations from the government of Canada here, I would add vitamins and herbal teas to the list as well.
- Have homeopathic remedies* on hand to use just in case you or your family do get sick. Homeopathic treatment is most effective within the first 24 hours of any symptoms.
While supplies last, I am providing homeopathic remedy kits that include the remedies noted
below as well both a Prevention Protocol and a Respiratory Support Protocol. $50/kit plus shipping
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any help.
* Homeopathic remedies well suited to pneumonia and other lower respiratory infections include: (ideally 200ch potencies, 30ch are also Ok):
- Aconite
- Arsenicum Album
- Belladonna
- Bryonia
- Eupatorium
- Ferrum Phosporicum – tissue salt (#1 recommendation)
- Gelsenium
- Lycopodium
- Phosphorus
- Sulphur
Additional information:
Americans are warned coronavirus spread is not a matter of if, but when
Epidemiologist warns of major coronavirus outbreak, contradicting Trump
What is Going on with the Coronavirus test?
Coronavirus updates: Trump admin can't get tests out as fast as promised
Coronavirus cases tested in U.S. removed from CDC website...
Government of Canada Frequently Asked Questions