EV-D68 is a respiratory virus that is currently circulating in the USA and has been impacting children and youth quite hard. Some reports have indicated that 15% of children with the virus are ending up in the intensive care unit. Most cases will be mild and self limiting with symptoms typically last for five to 10 days.
EV-D68 symptoms are similar to common cold: runny nose; cough; sneezing; fever; increased respiratory rate; and wheezing. The concern is that this particular strain of the virus appears to be causing respiratory distress – difficult/forced breathing - particularly in children with a history of respiratory illness, such as asthma.
Just like most colds & flus EV-D68 spreads via bodily secretions such as saliva, nasal mucus, or sputum – coughing, sneezing, close contact with infected patients and contact with contaminated surfaces.
Check out 5 Things You Can Do To Survive The Cold & Flu Season in Cold & Flu Season - Part 1: Prevention. In addition, employ the common sense advice of: avoiding contact with sick people; thoroughly cleaning all potentially contaminated surfaces; and, washing your often – with regular soap and water for the duration of the alphabet song.
There are no antiviral medications are available for treating of EV-D68 infections.
If you or your children do get sick the advice in Cold & Flu Season – Part 2 Treatment and Cold & Flu Season - Part 3 Homeopathic Support will help. If you or your child are experiencing difficult or forced breathing contact your health care provider.
If you or your kids get a cold that quickly becomes wheezing and/or a difficulty breathing - with or without a cough - give Aconite - 30 or 200 - every hour as required (give less often on improvement), for up to 6 doses. If Aconite doesn't help within a few hours or if you or your child has a history of asthma contact me, your homeopath, or your health care provider for support.
More information on EV-D68
What we know about the respiratory virus EV-D68 (Enterovirus D68) University of Michigan Health System
Enterovirus D68 Centres for Disease Control and Prevention