The French minister of health has said that "the taking of anti-inflammatories [ibuprofen, Advil, cortisone … ] could be a factor in aggravating the infection." This position has been supported by the WHO.
While there is lots of controversy in the medical community about this position, I think that it it is prudent to be safe and avoid ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory medication if you are feeling unwell. If you are are on prescription anti-inflammatory medication please contact your prescriber. If you are reaching for over-the-counter fever reducing pharmaceuticals the current suggestion is to take acetaminophen (Tylenol).
Acetaminophen must be taken strictly according to the recommended dose, because too much of it can cause liver damage. Avoid all alcohol before and after using acetaminophen.
Before you reach for any fever reducing medications I urge you to consider the role that fevers play...
- are a part of of a healthy healing response
- are integral for a full immune response
- are one of the body's most important tools to fight the invasion of a pathogen
- activate the immune system - the heat triggers many important immune system reactions
- increase the circulation in the body to get the immune cells where they need to be
- increase the removal of waste products from your body
- can directly weaken the pathogen
Please only consider suppressing a fever if, in those ages 3 months to adult, there is a high fever (102°F/39°C). This is a great guide: Fever Treatment: Quick guide to treating a fever
With infants under 3 months if there is a fever of more than 100.4°F/38°C seek help from a registered health care practitioner.
...and of course I suggest that you seek homeopathic treatment sooner rather than later to support your
system and speed your healing without having to worry about suppressing your fever.
Additional Resources:
Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID 19 infection?
WHO - Now Officially Recommends to Avoid Taking Ibuprofen for COVID-19 Symptoms.
Should You Take Advil for COVID 19?
Elevated body temperature helps certain types of immune cells to work better, evidence suggests
How a fever helps the immune system to battle infection
The protein that alters temperature reactivity
Caring for a child with a fever
Video - Reducing Fever, Good or Bad