(insert ominous music here) If fact as I wrote this post CBC announced the first locally acquired flu case in Ontario!
In the next few weeks I encourage you to take some extra care of yourself and your family. We are in a near perfect storm for the onset of a colds and flus with the combination of: diminishing sunlight (lack of vitamin D); a return to chill inducing cold, damp weather; and the effects of the post Halloween sugar binge. The only thing that would make conditions more ideal would be large public gatherings with lots of small children!
Check out my website for Colds & Flus 101: A Survival Guide that includes cold & flu prevention tips as well as other cold & flu information.
For those that would like a little extra support staying healthy this cold & flu season I am once again offering free homeopathic flu prevention. With at least a 90% effectiveness (vs 19% for the 2014-15 conventional vaccine) homeopathic flu prevention is great alternative. Click the link for more information regarding homeopathic flu prevention and links to vaccine information.
I will be holding flu clinics at the Life Loft on:
- November 12th from 9:00- 11:00am
- November 17th from 9:00-11:00am
- November 19th from 3:00-6:00pm
- November 24th from 3:00-6:00pm
If you have any questions or if you can’t make it to any of the flu clinics but are interested in homeopathic flu prevention please contact me.