I am happy to say that these days I very rarely experience headaches…at least unjustified ones. In my pre-homeopathy days I occasionally suffered from migraines and when I did nothing helped that pain. It flatted me for a day or 2. Sleep was my only salvation. I remember being so desperate for pain relief that I would chew sleeping pills trying to get the drugs into my system so that sleep would overtake me and numb the pain. I wish that I had known about homeopathy then.
Now as a practitioner I am actually able to help people that suffer from headaches and migraines. I commonly see reductions in headache frequency and severity in the people that I treat – often we are able to prevent the headaches all together. It is great.
If you suffer from recurrent headaches, menstrual headaches or migraine headaches please consider professional treatment. In the interim you may find some acute relief from these homeopathic remedies commonly prescribed for head pain.
Natrum Muriaticum – #1 headache remedy; vise like pain and/or a hammer pounding in one spot; worse reading/straining eyes; worse in the morning on waking, and with sun; better cold and pressure; may have numbness in face.
Aconite – sudden onset, especially if after a shock or fear; feels like a tight band around head; worse wind or draughts, and at night; better in open air.
Arnica – #1 for headache after head injury; head may feel bruise and/or aching; worse waking.
Belladonna- intense throbbing headaches; often starting on the right side; intense pressure; flushed face; dilated pupils; worse by light, bending the head forward, and noise; better by pressure on or binding the head, closing eyes and quiet dark rooms.
Bryonia - pain radiates from eyes to the whole head; worse by even the slightest movement - even eye movement; better pressure on the painful parts & laying on the painful side; often with constipation.
Gelsemium – heaviness & fullness in the head; weakness and prostration - can barely hold head up & eyes open; weak and shaky; worse before a thunderstorm and with emotional excitement.
Glonoinum – intense pounding headache; heartbeat seems to reverberate in the head; better with cold/cool applications; worse with heat and stooping or shaking of the head.
Iris – classic migraine: visual aura followed by pain & vomiting; blurring of vision tight feeling in scalp; better with constant gentle motion & open air; worse resting.
Ignatia – headache/migraine associated with back & neck spasms and grief; pain as if from a nail or a tight band; often in the side of the head; better warmth and laying on the painful side.
Lycopodium – often from not eating right away; often right sided; better eating and cold air; worse trying to concentrate and being overheated.
Nux Vomica – over consumption/hangover headache; often irritable and very over sensitive to all stimuli; better warmth and laying on the painless side; worse first thing in the morning and with trying to think.
Pulsatilla – pulsating congestive, bursting headaches that change; often tearful during the headache; worse heat, exertion, and rich/fatty food; better pressure, cold applications, and open air.
Sanguinaria – pain radiates from the neck/shoulder to the head; one sided headache; throbbing, burning pains; pulsing carotids; indigestion & vomiting; better sleep & vomiting.
Silicea – often with sinus congestion and clammy sweat on the face/head; worse cold, light, noise, and exertion – mental or physical; better with wrapping head up warmly and tightly.
*If you are experiencing a severe headache accompanied by a high fever and/or vomiting and stiffness/pain in your neck please be aware of the symptoms of meningitis.
Any guesses what remedy I needed today? I had a heada che on waking after reading all evening...Natrum Muriaticum cleared up my headache in 1 dose!