The logical part of my brain is telling me that the presence a wart is a sign that my immune system is compromised and that there are obviously issues I need to address. The emotional part of my brain is saying hide it, ignore it, hide it, ignore it, hide it, ignore it…something I am tempted to actually consider were it not for the pain and that annoying logical part!…like I said, I have a lot wrapped up in my wartiness.
Things I have learned about warts:
1. Warts are caused by the virus HPV
Which means that, like all pathogens, you will only become infected by HPV (human papilloma viruses) if you are susceptible. Having a wart means your immune system is not functioning optimally. There are over 150 known types of HPV that cause warts.
2. Warts are superficial but tenacious
Warts form in the your skin/mucosa and cause rapid overgrowth in the top layers. It may take several months of slow, persistent growth beneath your skin/mucosa before you can even notice a wart.
- Plantar warts are warts that are formed on the pressure points of feet and driven inward…I am getting smacked with the symbolism here….
3. Conventional treatment methods are largely ineffective
Conventional treatment methods still rely on the physical removal of the warty growth via burning or other mechanical methods. Since the immune system weakness and susceptibility remains, warts treated conventionally often return despite the painful and invasive procedures.
A common refrain from conventional medicine is to just to ignore warts. I strongly disagree. As much as I would like to pretend I don’t have a wart – I do. My wart tells me that my immune system is not working well. Unless I want bigger problems in the future this is something I should pay attention to and use an indicator of my general health.
5. Warts are treatable
If you have a strong immune system that is functioning well you won’t have warts. I have had several patient’s longstanding warts disappear after only a few months of homeopathic treatment.
My Wart Treatment Plan:
1. Strengthen my defences
My goal is to address the root cause of the wart – susceptibility. I am going to use homeopathy to strengthen and optimize my immune function. At the same time I am going to: be more aware of how I manage the stressors in my life; look for ways to make healthier lifestyle choices (read as less wine); and, continue to strive for a balanced life.
2. Weaken the virus
I am going to use topical treatments that will weaken the virus and improve my immune response, including: using a pumice stone to keep the root exposed & increase blood flow to the area; regularly applying a topical antiviral, immune stimulating essential oils like - tea tree oil, lemon, peppermint, thyme, oregano, lavender or cinnamon; and, increasing my intake of lysine rich foods while decreasing my arginine rich foods.
If you want some help dealing with your wartiness let me know, I would be happy to help.