Like everyone else I have nights when I can't stop the thoughts & worries: finances, the kids, the house, work, laundry, global weather changes, reorganizing the shed, the kitchen reno, becoming bi-lingual...my mind is a crazy place at 2:30am!
Most of the time I can track down the reason I am sleeping badly - too much caffeine, too much wine, working right until bedtime, aches & pains, etc. - and I alter my daily routine accordingly. Sometimes I need help. After 2-3 nights of sleeping badly or if it starts to be regular occurrence I realize that my system is out of whack and it is time to see my homeopath.
Things I have learned:
1. How you sleep is an indicator of your general state of health and vitality. A lack of sleep impacts every aspect & level of your health - mental, emotional & physical.
2. Good sleep hygiene won't guarantee a good nights sleep, but bad sleep hygiene equals a bad sleep.
3. Properly prescribed homeopathic treatment helps.